Hannah de Waal, MSc
“To get lost is to find the way”
-African proverb
Each one of us has boundless beauty to share simply by being ourselves. But first, we must ask ourselves who we really are.
I am dedicated to facilitating that inner exploration. I aim to empower others to live courageously, to step into the unknown, to get lost, and to slow down and appreciate the view. Basically, to make the most of this blip of a lifetime inhabiting this body on this planet.
My core values are courage, joy, and freedom.
“the times are urgent…let us slow down”
-Dr Bayo Akomolafe
After spending much of my upbringing seeking answers, I discovered that questions are far more interesting.
Curiosity led me to study the psyche through Western psychology, Eastern philosophy, and exploring alternative states of consciousness.
As a student of somatic therapy, yoga, and breathwork, I see the body as our greatest ally as we move through life. I hold retreats and workshops across Europe with an emphasis on (dis)integration. My perspective bridges the scientific with the shamanic, the practical with the mystical.
I view integration & disintegration as parallel cycles central within the human journey. Fragmentation and moving towards wholeness. Falling apart and coming back together. Integration is not only about making meaning of extraordinary experiences into everyday consciousness, but the integration of different aspects of the individual and collective psyche.
You’ll usually find me juggling several books and ideas, examining, learning and unlearning. In my free time I enjoy making herbal infusions, making music, dancing, and getting lost in the forest with my dog.
Trainings & certifications: Health & Medical Psychology (MSc), Neurodynamic Breathwork, trauma-informed psychedelic facilitation, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Psychology (BSc), Shamanic Practitioner Training
In progress: Somatic Experiencing therapy, eternal student of the Yawanawa tradition in Brazil
Passionate about: dreamwork, herbalism, yoga nidra, mythosomatics, postactivism, trees
I am the daughter of Astier, a woman of resilience, and Alex, a man of peace. I am the granddaughter of strong women Esther and Miriam, and compassionate men Victor and Mesghenna. I am the sister of wise Hiroe and fair Adan.
I am the grateful partner of Michael and pup Banzo, two profound beings and the sunshines of my life. I am a friend to many humans, plants, and animals.
Chat with me
Feel free to reach out with any questions or invitations by booking a call or via the form below.